Thursday, December 17, 2009

Why does it take ages for my skin to repair itself? What can i do?

I haven%26#039;t got acne but i%26#039;ve got spots but they take ages to go away.

I seem to have them for a week, if not weeks. Why is this? Does it mean i%26#039;m lacking something in my diet? Does anyone know what foods, vitamins or creams make your skin heal fast?|||Eat well, take vitamin supplements.. do regular scrubbing, u can use natural ingredients such as grounded coffee mixed with lotion or grated ginger as they are known for their ability to stimulate blood flow and skin renewal.. drink green tea (around 6 glasses per day), it is believed that it contributes in regenerating cells..|||i know what you mean because i went through the same exact thing.

firstly stop touching or finger sensing you spots since your hands are full of bacteria and oils. Same as your hair sto try to keep them away from you face.

Properly cleanse your skin mornign and night and try using a moisturizing cream so that you skin stays soft and it wont keep cracking wher you scars/spots are.

Drink lots of water and eat fresh fruits and veggies! try to avoid fatty/grease/oily foods!

Hope this helps!|||Yeah, you need vitamin A for good healthy skin (and for the maintenance and repair of skin tissue), so eat plenty of fruit. Some people also say that Zinc is necessary for healthy skin; this is found in lean meat, and free-range poultry (amongst others).|||witch hazel is amazing for clearing up spots...dab a little on twice a day and it should clear it up in 2 days usually. You can buy in most pharmacies and health food shops :D|||Try cutting down on fatty foods.

Eat more fruit and veg, and try deep cleaning your face in a facial sauna.

Sunlight is suposed to help also so get some fresh air !|||Eat more fruit and get more sun. Oh and keep fit and stop eating crap.|||well,as they say eat los of proteins

almons like nuts, fish, mear, soya, Quorn, and more

check for more

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