Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What hair color looks best with pale skin?

I have pale skin with blue eyes and some freckles, I want to change my hair color but don%26#039;t know what would look best. Right now its a dark brown but I was thinking about a red or blonde color.|||I also have very pale skin and recently went strawberry blonde... Everyone tells me it looks so natural. I%26#039;d recommend it to anyone who%26#039;s a bit pale.|||if your skin has very little red in it then a light auburn would bring out some color in your face with out over doing it! Browns Will be to much and make you look to pale! A darker blond would also be a good match try to stay away from real light blonds!|||Blonde|||Blonde or a light brown.The light brown goes good with blonde highlights, but you can keep it one color.|||Light brown... dark brown can make the complexion look pale and sullen, blonde may work if you dont go drastically light. i think maybe dark blonde-light brown.|||I think you should dye it a red or strawberry blonde, but I would go for just plain blonde. You honestly don%26#039;t have to change your color it probably looks great. If you really like blonde I think you should maybe try a dark or %26quot;dirty%26quot; blonde (more brown). I think you should do whatever you want, but someones its nice for a change.|||Strawberry Blonde. It brings out your freckles, but also says that you%26#039;re feminine and flirty.|||I think that a light color is good because if you have a darker color like black then you look like you are Gothic (i don%26#039;t know maybe you want that look) or you look like you are very ill but a lighter blond kind of makes it look more natural and lighter colors so good luck!!!!

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