Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Is mineral makeup actually good for your skin?Is it better than other makeup?

Where can i find some thats actually in stores?and affordable?Whats the best to use?|||Yes it%26#039;s ALOT better. My whole family uses it. And since my sister started it, her face is REALLY cleared up. She used to have kinda bad acne, but b/c she uses the minerals and it%26#039;s so good for your skin it really helps. It%26#039;s the only makeup that you CAN sleep in. It%26#039;s really cool, and it doens%26#039;t feel like you%26#039;re wearing ANYTHING at all. But it covers amazingly well. Like I have a few scars and stuff and it covers well without any concealer.|||Mineral Make-up Is a lot better for your skin because does not seep down into the pores and clog them! So you will not have many break-outs or anything!I wouldn%26#039;t say it is healther then wearing no make-up but it is a lot more healther than most make-ups!:P

People also say that they can barely feel it on their faces!:P|||I%26#039;ve been using mineral makeup for a while now, and I love it! It%26#039;s fairly affordable, they sell the most popular brand, Bare Minerals (also known as bare Essentials) in most malls and beauty shops. It covers really well, and matches very well to your skin tone.

It%26#039;s definitely less expensive than the stuff I used to buy (one bottle of Vincent Longo foundation = $50, one jar of bare Minerals foundation = $20), but then again I buy expensive makeup, not the stuff you find in a drug store.

I%26#039;m told that it%26#039;s great for the skin, and many of my friends who use it swear that it%26#039;s made their skin healthier, but I personally haven%26#039;t noticed much difference. I have fairly oily skin, so maybe that%26#039;s a factor, but my skin is neither more or less healthy from switching to mineral makeup. I hope I%26#039;ve been helpful!|||well i really like bare minerals because its light, and protects my skin with spf. my acne has gotten better since i started using it|||i have used sheer cover and it worked really well and i didnt break out or anything ,out of other mineral makeups i have used it worked the best its really not that expensive when you think about it because its so worth it you can just order it online i loved it you should try it : ]|||Yes. Mineral makeup has Mineral%26#039;s in it. Most other make-ups have chemicals and disgusting gunk in them. But just because mineral make-up is better for your skin (and will look more natural) doesn%26#039;t mean that you have to believe every claim they make about it. I would try it If I was you. You never know.. it could be great! Also, dont buy it from the T.v because they just boot up th price on it cause they think peeps will not want to go to the store.

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