Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What is the best way to get rid of an ingrown hair bump without scarring ones skin ?

What is the best way to remove in grown hairs i just had one in my beard where i had to take the tweezers and literally dig into my skin to pull out this little piece of hair that was blanketed by a thick layer of skin and im tired of the dark marks that appear after i have a in grown hair so please can someone tell me how to deal with them in a better way |||best way i know is to use a hot compress (hot water on a washcloth will work) and put that on the spot for 10 minutes or so, reheating as necessary. You can do this a couple times a day until the ingrown hair comes to a head. Once this happens, take a sanitized needle and prick the head, squeezing very very gently around it to get the initial puss out. Then do another hot compress to get the rest of the puss out. If you can see the hair easily, pluck it out, but DON%26#039;T dig. For me, this is enough to get rid of the ingrown hair. The hair will then just grow out how it should most of the time..

Here%26#039;s hoping I helped! |||clean the skin.. take a new needle and prick where you see an ingrown.. and never shave that area again.. obviously your skin cant tolerate it.. be nice to your skin.. razors will only cause irritation..

if u feel the ingrowns are a huge problem.. there r medications for this.

have a great day|||Cut it.

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