Friday, January 8, 2010

What should I eat, apply, not eat, not apply and not use to improve my bad skin condition?

I am a 20 year old man. I am of black african but my skin is not really black, I am light skinned maybe like wood. I have a problem because my skin has spots caused by pimples and other stuff I do not understand. What should I eat to keep my skin spotless and good looking? I avoid margarine and everything close to it. What else should I avoid. What should I eat to be spotless and good looking. Are nuts good?|||It could be dangerous to take advice from someone who can%26#039;t actually see your skin to determine the problem. Go to the doctor and get the educated opinion, it will be worth it for you in the long run. Good Luck!|||You should eat fresh fruit and vegetables and drink lots of water as your skin reflects your diet and lifestyle. At 20 hormones are also contributing to your spots. You should use cleanser daily to keep the pores clear. A spot cream applied at night should help clear up spots and pimples faster. Nuts are oily and you should eat them only occasionally.|||If it%26#039;s acne, then diet actually has a lot less effect than people think - basically eat a healthy balanced diet and you%26#039;ll be fine. Use gentle cleaning agents and avoid harsh soaps and anything that might be an irritant - fragrances and stuff like that. Moisturisers wont help the acne much but might help other stuff - use non scented low allergenic kinds. Also there%26#039;s plenty of OTC things for pimples, but if you%26#039;re trying those and it%26#039;s not helping then doctors can prescribe much stronger stuff.

As for the other skin conditions - basically all of them avoid skin irritants but other than that you need to get them checked out.|||no, nuts are one of the worst for your skin.

however, these spots will disappear gradually. it%26#039;s the effect of Propioni bacterium acnes.

That%26#039;s a usual problem in many young adults.


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