Friday, January 8, 2010

How do I get clear skin and get rid of my pimples? And how do I maintain my skin like this?鈥?/a>

I%26#039;m 14, I have kinda mixed skin. My cheeks are fine but my forehead and nose are shiny and oily and they sometimes get dry. How can I get skin looking like this? I know I need makeup and things like that but how can I get clearer skin? What should I use etc?


x x x|||Hmm well I had the same problem recently. I have bangs but when they started getting longer it was easier to keep them away from my face. So if you have bangs, try growing them out. Also I drink a lot of water and eat salad - those are good for your skin. And I use Clearasil (sp?) and then I use Clean and Clear Advantage Anti-Acne moisturizer. And that helps. Also wash your face often, and with some pressure. Always wash your face with warm water because that opens pores so you can easily clean them out. Then put a damp cool washcloth over your face. That closes your pores so oil and dirt can%26#039;t get in. They also make concealer that has acne medication in it. Hope this helps, and good luck! Also, looks aren%26#039;t everything. A smile will always make you look better, so try to forget about what your face looks like. Almost everyone has acne troubles at some time.|||Honey, that chick has probably like 3 layers of make-up on and was photoshopped.|||Yoo just need some real good Cleanser, Exfoliator and Moisturizer! Just use themon a REGULAR basis....yoo shud have clear skin in a month or so...

U might wunna try a cleanser esp. made for an oily T-Zone.

And use a oil-FREE moisturizer!

Recommended brands : Biore, Neutrogena, Clean %26amp; Clear,|||go to bath and body works, and get a face mask called NEEM, use it every other day, and make sure u wash ur face evry time u sweat to prevent ur skin to get clogged. hope i helped. the mask really works i use it and its were affordable, only 2 or 3 dollars. for a good sized jar. :) again good luck and hope i helped!|||hey :) try to use %26quot;metrogel%26quot; i think it is perfect. it fights all possible outside sources acne could be caused by.

well.. and if you use cosmetics - try to use Almay line that consists salivylic acid in there. it is special foundation and powder against acne - i think that%26#039;s awesome :)

and don%26#039;t touch your face with hands at all, never irritate you face, as well..

change your pillow cases and facial towel more often... you should be fine!

good luck with that!|||In my opinion pro-active does not work, i have friends with acne that use it and they still look bad... I havent had a pimple since 8th grade (im in grade 12) and I use velocity, its a mary-kay product so you%26#039;ll need to find a mary kay dealer near you. It shouldnt be hard go to their website and check it out. It works awesome, takes about 1 week to get clear skin and if you use it 2ce a day every day like me you wont have another pimple to worry about.

hope this helped


Kailey.|||Proactiv it really does work|||zit cream|||i use biore pore perfect.

it works really great for any skin type.|||Ok before you go to sleep put colgate toothpaste on your face after about 20 minutes wash it off and it should clear up

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